Empowering Health and Wellness

Transform Your Health with Comprehensive Weight Loss and Hormone Evaluation

Colorado Medical Weight Loss & Hormones

Colorado Medical Weight Loss
Weight Loss

Unlock your health potential with safe & effective solutions.
We provide both oral and injectable medications for effective weight loss.

Comprehensive Bloodwork

Reveal the secrets to your metabolism with our thorough bloodwork analysis. Identify the underlying factors hindering your weight loss journey and determine whether hormone rebalancing is necessary.

Thyroid Management

Harmonize energy and well-being through specialized thyroid support. Our comprehensive thyroid function panel ensures thorough assessment, and we offer tailored treatment for Hashimoto's Thyroiditis.

Functional Medicine

Uncover the root causes of your health concerns.

Nutritional Guidance

Optimize your diet for lasting health and wellness through the advice of a medical provider.

Medical Evaluation

The foundation of personalized care and wellness.

Testosterone Treatment

Address low testosterone levels in the body to alleviate symptoms related to testosterone deficiency.


Balance hormone levels to address deficiencies, regulate conditions, manage symptoms, and improve overall well-being.

Why Choose Us

At Colorado Medical Weight Loss, we pride ourselves on transparency and patient-centered care. We believe in treating the patient as a whole individual, prioritizing their unique needs, and crafting personalized treatment plans. With us, you’ll experience a refreshing approach to healthcare that puts you first.

No Hidden Fees

No hidden costs or monthly membership fees.

Individualized Care

Patient-centered approach focused on your individual needs.

Clear Communication

Transparent communication and clear explanations of treatments.

Caring Environment

A supportive environment that nurtures your journey to wellness.

Contact Info

Opening Hours

Monday – Friday